I write this post with a cry ball in my throat and a mist in my eyes. My baby is four! But enough of that. On to the party! Elliott requested an orange and yellow party. Color themed birthday parties are the absolute easiest to throw. If you can, try and get your kiddo on board with a color birthday party. We invited a few close friends and family and just had some good orange and yellow fun. We had all orange and yellow food and drinks like pineapple and cantaloupe skewers, orange soda ice cream floats and of course, orange and yellow cupcakes. We had everyone wear orange and yellow too. I think/hope everyone had as much fun as we did!
Happy birthday baby boy. We love you so.


This weekend was awesome. We had a grand time celebrating Elliott's birthday with family and friends. He loved everything about the day. Which of course, does a mama's heart good. Saturday night was very snowy and the roads were slick and I had no desire to leave the house. But Elliott was insisting that he wanted Cafe Rio for dinner (atta boy!) so out we went. Not one block from our house, we slipped on the ice and couldn't stop the car before we hit another car. I was a mess! Even though there was no damage to either car (miracle!) I was still taking deep breaths and shaking slightly 30 minutes later. Of course Preston was the calm and cool one, and Elliott was just worried he wasn't going to get his beloved quesadilla. Besides the little fender non-bender, we have been watching Peter Pan on repeat (a gift he received and loves!) and rocking out with his new not-so-electric guitar. It was a great few days. I'm going through all of the pictures from Elliott's party, so look for those soon! Happy Monday!


While I was at Alt, I visited their amazing toy shop and found these adorable monster magnets. They come in sheets of body parts, smiles, and accessories for you to build your own monsters. Elliott has been glued to our fridge ever since! He's made some seriously crazy creatures. He even made one that looked like Hitler. Yep. Hitler. I love the colors and the creativity they spark in him. And I really love how they occupy him - mama needs a break!
Aren't they fun? We like them.


In honor of the little man turning four on Saturday, this week's wish listed is for him. A few things he would love. Some of the items he is actually getting. The guitar is his "big" gift. I searched high and low for a "rock and roll" guitar that wouldn't annoy the living daylights out of me with it's endless buttons and batteries. This one looks like an electric guitar, but is actually acoustic! It just came in the mail yesterday and I think he will love it. Plus you can't beat that price. Seriously. 


Since Elliott loves to paint, we thought his valentines should be painting related. I found these super mini, adorable canvases at our local craft store. You can find similar ones here. I gave him my paints and let him go to town! He loved the process and is proud of his little pieces of art. (Confession: I helped a tiny bit)
 Hand the reigns over to your little one and sit back and watch the magic happen.
Write a little love note on the back, add a candy and you're done!
P.S. YOU are my favorite work of art.