What a fun weekend! We ventured to the park and climbed some trees, we made it to a pool just in time to get kicked out of the water for an hour due to lightning. Which we took full advantage of and got some soft pretzels at the concessions stand. The clouds kept threatening to storm, but they never did - at least not while we were there! And we finished off our perfect Saturday with milkshakes, dinner and a movie - in that order. Then Sunday came and Preston and I were sick. Not terribly sick, but just enough to make you feel out of it. But that didn't stop us from having fun at home! Did you ever play that game where you put your fingers up in front of your face until they look like you are squishing someone else's head? I used to play that all the time when I was younger and I decided it was time to introduce that to Elliott. He still doesn't get it. Ah well, more fun for us! Hope your Monday is off to a great start!