Last week while wandering the dollar bins at Target I came across this little horse. On the packaging it stated that if you put it in water for a few days you would get a huge horse (in comparison). I used to get those pills that you put in water and they would turn into dinosaur sponges etc. I loved them! So I thought I would test this one out with the little man. Here's what happened:
Honestly, I liked it better before the engorging. But Elliott likes it and I suppose that's all that should matter. Anyway, it was a dollar well spent and a fun experiment. 

P.S. Notice the placement of the hole the water came out of? Nice, Target.


Happy Valentine's day! Last week my friend Halley and I threw a little Valentine's party for a bunch of toddler friends. It was about as fun as a toddler party can get. Cookie decorating, amazing food, a pinata, and a photo-booth. Awesome, right? The pinata I made was just like this one, but I reinforced the bottom with some heart shaped poster-board to make it strong enough to hold bouncy balls, candy, etc. and I added 10 strings so most of the kids had one to hold on to for the big moment. It was a huge hit, highly recommend!
I could not for the life of me get Elliott to look at the camera (my phone). Halley got some great shots though that are forthcoming. She used this great trick to get the kids to look into her lens. Whatever that kid loved (horses in Elliott's case) she would ask them if there was (a horse) in her camera lens. The kids looked every time. Genius!


I posted about these little books a while back and decided to order some as gifts for some loved ones. I instagramed about them a few days ago and got quite a few requests for more info. So here it is! You can get them from here, and it was unbelievably easy to order. You pick the pictures you want to include and they come as plain white little books (at least mine did) so I decorated the covers with some stickers and some hole punched contact paper.
I wont divulge who these little books are going to as they're supposed to be a Christmas gift. So hopefully they wont peek! But I wanted to share these with you as they would make a fantastic gift for pretty much anyone. Oh, and bonus! They're magnetic!