Movie night stickers with free printable! | And We Play
Movie night stickers with free printable! | And We Play

We are some pretty avid movie goers. If it's date night, chances are we're at a movie. If there is a new kids movie out, we probably will be at the first showing the day it comes out. When I was a kid, I even skipped school to see the new Star Wars movies when they came out. All in all, we love movies and every time there is a new kids movie, I try and do something a little extra special for Elliott and usually his cousins too. Whether it be a printable coloring sheet, or a small toy from the movie, they have come to expect I will do something. For our next outing, I have my treat all ready to go! These movie themed stickers are super fun to decorate popcorn buckets, or stick them all over a tshirt to watch your movie in style. Either way, the kids will love playing with them during their next night at the movies.

To make your own, you will need some sticker paper like this, download the sticker designs here, print them out, cut them out and stick them on. Easy! Have fun at the movies!

Movie night stickers with free printable! | And We Play
Movie night stickers with free printable! | And We Play

This post is sponsored by Fandango Family. Thank you for supporting the companies who help make And We Play possible.


4th of July temporary tattoos! | And We Play

Nothing says happy 4th of July like some temporary tattoos! Maybe that's just me. But these are a lot of fun anyway! I can't wait to use these on the 4th. Sure they're fun for kids, but adults can love them too, right? Right?! You can download the designs right here to make the tattoos. Or! You could also print them out onto sticker paper if tattoos aren't your thing. Either way, you have to promise me one thing. Have fun!

4th of July temporary tattoos! | And We Play
4th of July temporary tattoos! | And We Play


Donut stickers printable | And We Play
Donut stickers printable | And We Play

Did you know that Friday is national donut day? Of course you did. Well to celebrate, I made some fun stickers for you! You can use them to seal up some baggies of donut goodness, or just hand them over to your littles and let them go crazy. Either way, they'll be a hit! To make them, just print out the download onto sticker paper, cut them out and you're good to go. Fun right? Right. Now, if you'll excuse me we're off to get some more donuts!

Donut stickers printable | And We Play
Donut stickers printable | And We Play
Donut stickers printable | And We Play


Mom, you're the bomb card and candies | And We Play
Mom, you're the bomb card and candies | And We Play

I know, I know. It's such an over-done saying, but once I had the idea in my head it just had to be done! I love themed gifts and these chocolates and printable card totally fit the bill for Mother's day. Wouldn't your mom like to be told she's the bomb? I thought so. You can download the card (front and inside), and you can even have the kids color it to add a colorful and personal touch. When you print out the card, print out the front, then flip it over and print off the inside. Easy, fast and she's sure to love it!

Mom, you're the bomb card and candies | And We Play

To make the candy bombs, I used the same method for making surprise balls. Cut some strips of crepe paper, trim off the ends of the Lindor chocolates, wrap the crepe paper around the chocolates and tape it down. I used floral wire for the fuses. Just cut off a tiny bit and tape it down before you wrap your last layer of crepe paper on! So easy and it worked perfectly. Now go and blow your mom away with such a thoughtful and fun card and gift.

Mom, you're the bomb card and candies | And We Play
Mom, you're the bomb card and candies | And We Play